
We have a very passionate staff who organise the curriculum as themes throughout the year. We believe that our curriculum should be broad, balanced and relevant and meet the needs of all children whatever their ability. The taught curriculum is comprised of The National Curriculum and the wider curriculum and meets statutory requirements. When asked to describe our curriculum we use the phrase "Relationship-Rich". We believe that positive relationships throughout the school and the development of confidence and self esteem are key to happy and healthy learning. We have a commitment to Sport, Arts, Music, Drama and Creativity-through these subjects our children mature and grow becoming students ready for the next stage of their learning journey with our values at the heart of everything we do...Resilient, Optimistic, Ambitious, Dedicated, Empathetic!

We ensure the children have a range of learning experiences that challenge, stimulate and promote thinking and learning through our creative curriculum which is based on firsthand experience. This encompasses all foundation subjects and enables us to provide a high standard of teaching and learning challenge, whilst preparing our children for the future.

On this menu button we have included every curriculum newsletter for each class in the school, this along with the Primary National Curriculum will give you a wealth of information. The curriculum newsletters are sent to parents at the beginning of each term and highlight what the children are learning each term, the themes and the subjects. It also highlights how parents can support the learning at home as we see each child's education as a partnership between home and school. If you would like any more detailed information about any particular aspect of the curriculum please contact the class teacher.


Roade Primary School Curriculum Statement 2021


Here is the link to the Roade Primary School Curriculum Statement 2020

 and the Learning and Teaching Policy

For information on our Home-School Agreement please click on this link: Home school agreement

Home work policy 2021: Homework policy 2021